Watch "The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers" on Netflix USA

Netflix Release:
Toshi Yanagi, Hidetomo Nishida, Kiyo Yoshizawa, Hiromitsu Kiba, Ayumi Tokito, Yuria Hidaka
Action & Adventure, Horror Movies, Teen Screams
Koji Kawano

Netflix Countries:

How to watch The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers on Netflix USA!

Unfortunately you can't watch "The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers" in the USA right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix USA for The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Horror meets action meet Japanese schoolgirls when a female swimming team confronts a horde of zombies borne from a mysterious viral vaccine. She joined the swimming team for competitions. But she never imagined she'd be fighting for her life -- against zombies.

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Toshi Yanagi, Hidetomo Nishida, Kiyo Yoshizawa, Hiromitsu Kiba, Ayumi Tokito, Yuria Hidaka

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